
Showing posts from December, 2016


For these past two days, I was preoccupied with the thought of how education ✐  had an impact on Indians in the ancient days; how Indians had stable minds. I found out all these from my schema. I ndian educational system was very practical so that people were very cautious about everything including space those times. Educated people were treated with dignity. The educated were those who committed no sin and crime. The art of archery was taught after getting the pledge of its proper usage. Now every weapon is used for destruction, to kill fraternity. Our ancestors considered education as God and a school, a temple to change the evil in man to good. It helps to change a liar into a truth-teller. We remember our Tamil teacher say, ‘chandror’(educated) will do no crime according to Thirukural. But today, crime among the educated is increasing. Today, people do not tell their infants Panchatantra or Tenali Raman or Birbal stories. In lieu of these stories, they teach them flags of


I sat in the car, Traveled long, found a meadow, The clouds played their percussion music, A dazzling streak of lightening, Made me aware of the rain. A pearl-like drop of the virgin rain, Took the seat on the greenish blade of grass, Another companion of it’s went Into the sand to explore the captives, The underground water. A coral bug was embedded on a jade leaf; The trunk of the tree was given a dull finish By.......the mist, and the rainfall Tore the mist and was clear. A bee sat sucking nectar Had a good meal and left Then a magnificent pair of hued wings Ascended the floral throne And fed on its delicacy. My eyes noticed all these But...did not notice the fantastic bow of colors- the rainbow. 

God is Love

              The term may be a cliché!It is usually found in all the religions. God is of course love. One can witness god during his exhibition of love to others.   “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” quotes the Holy Bible. Loving others helps us reach the boons of Almighty. Serving others helps man ascend heaven according to Hindu philosophy. I am gifted with three apples. One is for my kith and kin. Another one is for the needy. The final one is for me. This beautiful distribution is a divine order of the Holy Quran. Isn't this so beautiful? This shows religions demand love from humanity's. I am reminded of Prahalad, the son of Hiranyakashyapu, when I speak about miracles. He was going against his father's wish of abandoning the prayers to Lord Vishnu. His father turned furious and planned to leave him under an intoxicated Jumbo’s foot. To surprise everyone, it did bow down to him. It is because Prahalad uttered Vishnu Nama always. Are not we famili