God is Love
The term may be a cliché!It is usually found in all the religions. God is of course love. One can witness god during his exhibition of love to others. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” quotes the Holy Bible. Loving others helps us reach the boons of Almighty. Serving others helps man ascend heaven according to Hindu philosophy. I am gifted with three apples. One is for my kith and kin. Another one is for the needy. The final one is for me. This beautiful distribution is a divine order of the Holy Quran. Isn't this so beautiful? This shows religions demand love from humanity's. I am reminded of Prahalad, the son of Hiranyakashyapu, when I speak about miracles. He was going against his father's wish of abandoning the prayers to Lord Vishnu. His father turned furious and planned to leave him under an intoxicated Jumbo’s foot. To surprise everyone, it did bow down to him. It is because Prahalad uttered Vishnu Nama ...
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