PEACE What is peace? If I put the question to a Hindu, he will quote the famous Shlokam, “Om Shanthi shanthi shanthi hi”. This statement means, let there be peace. Peace must be there even when times change. If there is no devotion, let there be devotion. If there is death, there shall be birth. If there is darkness let there be light. Everything will go in its due course. Whatever happens, let there be peace. The answer by a Christian would be,”It is one of the Biblical virtues”. Every Sunday mass will be characterized by the conveyance of peace to each other. There is a hymn in Christian faith, “make me a channel of your peace”. Channel of peace literally means a instrument of peace. The very name Islam means peace. Peace is a great virtue in Islam. People who are cross with each other must make peace at least on the day of Ramzan by wishing Id Mubarak. Peace is a divine virtue. If it is not so, why religions have to speak about peace? Being so greatly influenced by th...