What is peace? If I put the question to a Hindu, he will quote the famous Shlokam, “Om Shanthi shanthi shanthi hi”. This statement means, let there be peace. Peace must be there even when times change. If there is no devotion, let there be devotion. If there is death, there shall be birth. If there is darkness let there be light. Everything will go in its due course. Whatever happens, let there be peace.
The answer by a Christian would be,”It is one of the Biblical virtues”. Every Sunday mass will be characterized by the conveyance of peace to each other.  There is a hymn in Christian faith, “make me a channel of your peace”. Channel of peace literally means a instrument of peace.
The very name Islam means peace. Peace is a great virtue in Islam. People who are cross with each other must make peace at least on the day of Ramzan by wishing Id Mubarak.
Peace is a divine virtue. If it is not so, why religions have to speak about peace? Being so greatly influenced by this virtue, Buddha spoke of peace. King Ashoka was influenced by Buddha and asked his daughter and son to propagate peace and Buddhism and peace after Kalinga war.
To have peace around the world, one has to start nurturing it at home. Many people become psychologically infected by the bickers of their parents. The injection of feud in the minds of the kids has a very primary influence on kids that start to pick up fight for small reasons with their co-learners.
Every parent has the obligation to teach their children to forget and forgive menial evils done by others. Many little children have not developed the habit of giving up things.  Some parents give their children everything they want. This leads to their hunger for their desires. This leads to conflicts among themselves in their futures or precisely their nearest futures for contracts, assets, prestige and so on.
This policy of giving up, forgiving and forgetting results in generation of peace throughout the world. Every parent must take it as their obligation to nip things like vengeance and envy at a tender age to cultivate future at the successive stages.


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